require ${COREBASE}/meta/recipes-bsp/u-boot/ DESCRIPTION = "u-boot bootloader for Embedian SMARC T335x Computer on Module" COMPATIBLE_MACHINE = "smarct335x" DEFAULT_PREFERENCE_smarct335x = "100" LICENSE = "GPLv2+" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://Licenses/README;md5=025bf9f768cbcb1a165dbe1a110babfb" # Use Autorev during development. Pin when released. # SRCREV = "${AUTOREV}" # For rev. 00A0, uncomment out the following line # SRCREV = "fac7e197c064e15b96b1292148c84cb715d701fb" # For rev. 00B0 # For u-boot v2013.10 # SRCREV = "98106db61244c0ac4832b7e3bb0ae50452405509" # For u-boot v2014.04 SRCREV = "c2477548450f9aacc5d6b9732098525bc9e4d4e0" SRC_URI = "git://;protocol=ssh;branch=${BRANCH}" BRANCH = "v2014.04-smarct33" PV = "2014.04-smarct335x" PR = "r0+gitr${SRCPV}" PACKAGE_ARCH = "${MACHINE_ARCH}" S = "${WORKDIR}/git" UBOOT_SUFFIX = "img" # Set the name of the SPL that will built so that it is also packaged with u-boot. SPL_BINARY = "MLO"