SECTION = "kernel" DESCRIPTION = "Linux kernel for Embedian SMARC T335X Computer on Module devices" LICENSE = "GPLv2" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=d7810fab7487fb0aad327b76f1be7cd7" inherit kernel require recipes-kernel/linux/ require recipes-kernel/linux/ # Pull in the devicetree files into the rootfs RDEPENDS_kernel-base += "kernel-devicetree" # Add a run-time dependency for the PM firmware to be installed # on the target file system. RDEPENDS_kernel-base_append_ti33x = " am33x-cm3" RDEPENDS_kernel-base_append_ti43x = " am33x-cm3" # Add a run-time dependency for the VPE VPDMA firmware to be installed # on the target file system. RDEPENDS_kernel-base_append_dra7xx-evm = " vpe-vpdma-fw" # Default is to package all dtb files for ti33x devices unless building # for the specific beaglebone machine. KERNEL_DEVICETREE_ti33x = "am335x-smarct335x.dtb am335x-evm.dtb am335x-evmsk.dtb am335x-bone.dtb am335x-boneblack.dtb" #KERNEL_DEVICETREE_ti43x = "am43x-epos-evm.dtb am437x-gp-evm.dtb" #KERNEL_DEVICETREE_beaglebone = "am335x-bone.dtb am335x-boneblack.dtb" #KERNEL_DEVICETREE_omap5-evm = "omap5-uevm.dtb" #KERNEL_DEVICETREE_dra7xx-evm = "dra7-evm.dtb" KERNEL_EXTRA_ARGS += "LOADADDR=${UBOOT_ENTRYPOINT}" COMPATIBLE_MACHINE = "ti33x|ti43x|omap-a15" S = "${WORKDIR}/git" # For 3.12y Kernel BRANCH = "smarc-ti-linux-3.12.y" # Corresponds to tag ti-linux-3.12.y SRCREV = "8186c73cca4c9da970145984c6e8e3a2a1da2a63" PV = "3.12.25" # Append to the MACHINE_KERNEL_PR so that a new SRCREV will cause a rebuild MACHINE_KERNEL_PR_append = "k+gitr${SRCPV}" PR = "${MACHINE_KERNEL_PR}" SRC_URI = "git://;protocol=ssh;branch=${BRANCH} \ file://defconfig \ " # Add append for AMSDK specific changes not in mainline MACHINE_KERNEL_PR_append = "-smarc4" require KERNEL_LOCALVERSION = "-3.12.y" KERNEL_LOCALVERSION_TAG = "-g${@d.getVar('SRCPV', True).partition('+')[2][0:7]}" kernel_do_configure_prepend() { if [ ! -e ${B}/.scmversion -a ! -e ${S}/.scmversion ] then echo ${KERNEL_LOCALVERSION_TAG} > ${B}/.scmversion echo ${KERNEL_LOCALVERSION_TAG} > ${S}/.scmversion fi }