19 Oct, 2019

1 commit

  • The count_read and count_write callbacks are simplified to pass val as
    unsigned long rather than as an opaque data structure. The opaque
    counter_count_read_value and counter_count_write_value structures,
    counter_count_value_type enum, and relevant counter_count_read_value_set
    and counter_count_write_value_get functions, are removed as they are no
    longer used.

    Cc: Patrick Havelange
    Acked-by: Fabrice Gasnier
    Acked-by: David Lechner
    Signed-off-by: William Breathitt Gray
    Signed-off-by: Jonathan Cameron

    William Breathitt Gray

28 Jul, 2019

1 commit

22 Jun, 2019

1 commit

26 Apr, 2019

1 commit