# # NOTE! Don't add files that are generated in specific # subdirectories here. Add them in the ".gitignore" file # in that subdirectory instead. # # NOTE! Please use 'git ls-files -i --exclude-standard' # command after changing this file, to see if there are # any tracked files which get ignored after the change. # # Normal rules # .* *.o *.o.* *.a *.s *.ko *.so *.so.dbg *.mod.c *.i *.lst *.symtypes *.order *.elf *.bin *.gz *.bz2 *.lzma *.xz *.lz4 *.lzo *.gcno modules.builtin Module.symvers *.dwo *.out *.map *.oem3 *.sem3 *.mak *.dep MAKEFILE.DEPEND *.oe674 *.xe674 *.obj # # git files that we don't want to ignore even it they are dot-files # !.gitignore # quilt's files series # cscope files cscope.* ncscope.* # gnu global files GPATH GRTAGS GSYMS GTAGS # ignored dirs rootfs output src toolchain tmp *.orig *~ \#*#