SW-Content-Register.txt 9.16 KB
Release Name: MCUXpresso Software Development Kit (SDK)
Release Version: 2.8.0
Package License: LA_OPT_NXP_Software_License.txt - Production Use, Section 2.3 applies

SDK_Peripheral_Driver      Name: SDK Peripheral Driver                       
                           Version: 2.x.x                                    
                           Outgoing License: BSD-3-Clause                    
                           License File: COPYING-BSD-3                       
                           Format: source code                               
                           Description: Peripheral drivers are designed for  
                           the most common use cases identified for the      
                           underlying hardware block.                        
                           Location: devices/<device>/drivers                
                           Origin: NXP (BSD-3-Clause)                        

SDK_Examples               Name: SDK examples                                
                           Version: NA                                       
                           Outgoing License: BSD-3-Clause                    
                           License File: COPYING-BSD-3                       
                           Format: source code, binary, project files, linker
                           Description: SDK out of box examples to show how  
                           to use peripheral drivers and integrate           
                           Location: boards/<board>/                         
                           Origin: NXP (BSD-3-Clause)                        

SDK_Device                 Name: SDK SoC files                               
                           Version: NA                                       
                           Outgoing License: BSD-3-Clause                    
                           License File: COPYING-BSD-3                       
                           Format: source code, linker files                 
                           Description: Device system files, template files, 
                           IDE related startup and linker files.             
                           Location: devices/<device>/                       
                           Origin: NXP (BSD-3-Clause)                        

cmsis                      Name: CMSIS                                       
                           Version: 5.6.0                                    
                           Outgoing License: Apache License 2.0              
                           License File: CMSIS/LICENSE.txt                   
                           Format: source code                               
                           Description: Vendor-independent hardware          
                           abstraction layer for microcontrollers that are   
                           based on Arm® Cortex® processors, distributed by  
                           ARM. cores                                        
                           Location: CMSIS/                                  
                           Origin: ARM (Apache-2.0) -                        

SDK_Components             Name: SDK components and board peripheral drivers 
                           Version: NA                                       
                           Outgoing License: BSD-3-Clause                    
                           License File: COPYING-BSD-3                       
                           Format: source code                               
                           Description: SDK components and board peripheral  
                           drivers, for example, flash and codec drivers.    
                           Location: components/                             
                           Origin: NXP (BSD-3-Clause)                        

usb                        Name: USB                                         
                           Version: 2.6.0                                    
                           Outgoing License: BSD-3-Clause                    
                           License File: COPYING-BSD-3                       
                           Format: source code                               
                           Description: NXP USB stack. This is a version of  
                           the USB stack that has been integrated with the   
                           MCUXpresso SDK.                                   
                           Location: middleware/usb                          
                           Origin: NXP (BSD-3-Clause)                        

freertos                   Name: FreeRTOS                                    
                           Version: 202002.00.0                              
                           Outgoing License: MIT                             
                           License File: rtos/freertos/LICENSE               
                           Format: source code                               
                           Description: IoT operating system for             
                           Location: rtos/freertos                           
                           Origin: Real Time Engineers, Ltd. (MIT)           
                           Url: https://aws.amazon.com/freertos/             

FreeRTOS_heap_newlib       Name: FreeRTOS Newlib helper                      
                           Version: 23.9.2019                                
                           Outgoing License: Dave Nadler License             
                           License File:                                     
                           Format: source code                               
                           Description: Newlib allocator for FreeRTOS        
                           Origin: Dave Nadler, Nadler & Associates          
                           Consulting (Dave Nadler License)                  

cmsis_drivers              Name: SDK CMSIS Peripheral Drivers                
                           Version: 2.x.x                                    
                           Outgoing License: Apache License 2.0              
                           License File: CMSIS/LICENSE.txt                   
                           Format: source code                               
                           Description: CMSIS Peripheral drivers are designed
                           to provide hardware independent APIs which make   
                           application reusable across a wide range of       
                           supported microcontroller devices.                
                           Location: devices/<device>/cmsis_drivers          
                           Origin: NXP (Apache License 2.0)                  

multicore                  Name: Multicore SDK                               
                           Version: 2.8.0                                    
                           Outgoing License: BSD-3-Clause                    
                           License File: COPYING-BSD-3                       
                           Format: source code                               
                           Description: NXP Multicore Software Development   
                           Location: middleware/multicore                    
                           Origin: NXP (BSD-3-Clause)                        

rpmsg_lite                 Name: RPMsg-Lite                                  
                           Version: 3.1.0                                    
                           Outgoing License: BSD-3-Clause                    
                           License File: COPYING-BSD-3                       
                           Format: source code                               
                           Description: Open Asymmetric Multi Processing     
                           (OpenAMP) framework project                       
                           Location: middleware/multicore/rpmsg_lite         
                           Origin: Mentor Graphics Corporation & community   
                           Url: https://github.com/NXPmicro/rpmsg-lite