fw_search_path.rst 830 Bytes

Firmware search paths

The following search paths are used to look for firmware on your root filesystem.

  • fw_path_para - module parameter - default is empty so this is ignored
  • /lib/firmware/updates/UTS_RELEASE/
  • /lib/firmware/updates/
  • /lib/firmware/UTS_RELEASE/
  • /lib/firmware/

The module parameter ''path'' can be passed to the firmware_class module to activate the first optional custom fw_path_para. The custom path can only be up to 256 characters long. The kernel parameter passed would be:

  • 'firmware_class.path=$CUSTOMIZED_PATH'

There is an alternative to customize the path at run time after bootup, you can use the file:

  • /sys/module/firmware_class/parameters/path

You would echo into it your custom path and firmware requested will be searched for there first.