cdk.h 12.5 KB
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 *	cdk.h  -- CDK interface definitions.
 *	Copyright (C) 1996-1998  Stallion Technologies
 *	Copyright (C) 1994-1996  Greg Ungerer.
 *	This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *	the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *	(at your option) any later version.
 *	This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *	GNU General Public License for more details.
 *	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *	along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 *	Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

#ifndef	_CDK_H
#define	_CDK_H

#pragma	pack(2)

 *	The following set of definitions is used to communicate with the
 *	shared memory interface of the Stallion intelligent multiport serial
 *	boards. The definitions in this file are taken directly from the
 *	document titled "Generic Stackable Interface, Downloader and
 *	Communications Development Kit".

 *	Define the set of important shared memory addresses. These are
 *	required to initialize the board and get things started. All of these
 *	addresses are relative to the start of the shared memory.
#define	CDK_SIGADDR	0x200
#define	CDK_FEATADDR	0x280
#define	CDK_CDKADDR	0x300
#define	CDK_RDYADDR	0x262


 *	On hardware power up the ROMs located on the EasyConnection 8/64 will
 *	fill out the following signature information into shared memory. This
 *	way the host system can quickly determine that the board is present
 *	and is operational.
typedef struct cdkecpsig {
	unsigned long	magic;
	unsigned short	romver;
	unsigned short	cputype;
	unsigned char	panelid[8];
} cdkecpsig_t;

#define	ECP_MAGIC	0x21504345

 *	On hardware power up the ROMs located on the ONboard, Stallion and
 *	Brumbys will fill out the following signature information into shared
 *	memory. This way the host system can quickly determine that the board
 *	is present and is operational.
typedef struct cdkonbsig {
	unsigned short	magic0;
	unsigned short	magic1;
	unsigned short	magic2;
	unsigned short	magic3;
	unsigned short	romver;
	unsigned short	memoff;
	unsigned short	memseg;
	unsigned short	amask0;
	unsigned short	pic;
	unsigned short	status;
	unsigned short	btype;
	unsigned short	clkticks;
	unsigned short	clkspeed;
	unsigned short	amask1;
	unsigned short	amask2;
} cdkonbsig_t;

#define	ONB_MAGIC0	0xf2a7
#define	ONB_MAGIC1	0xa149
#define	ONB_MAGIC2	0x6352
#define	ONB_MAGIC3	0xf121

 *	Define the feature area structure. The feature area is the set of
 *	startup parameters used by the slave image when it starts executing.
 *	They allow for the specification of buffer sizes, debug trace, etc.
typedef struct cdkfeature {
	unsigned long	debug;
	unsigned long	banner;
	unsigned long	etype;
	unsigned long	nrdevs;
	unsigned long	brdspec;
	unsigned long	txrqsize;
	unsigned long	rxrqsize;
	unsigned long	flags;
} cdkfeature_t;

#define	ETYP_DDK	0
#define	ETYP_CDK	1

 *	Define the CDK header structure. This is the info that the slave
 *	environment sets up after it has been downloaded and started. It
 *	essentially provides a memory map for the shared memory interface.
typedef struct cdkhdr {
	unsigned short	command;
	unsigned short	status;
	unsigned short	port;
	unsigned short	mode;
	unsigned long	cmd_buf[14];
	unsigned short	alive_cnt;
	unsigned short	intrpt_mode;
	unsigned char	intrpt_id[8];
	unsigned char	ver_release;
	unsigned char	ver_modification;
	unsigned char	ver_fix;
	unsigned char	deadman_restart;
	unsigned short	deadman;
	unsigned short	nrdevs;
	unsigned long	memp;
	unsigned long	hostp;
	unsigned long	slavep;
	unsigned char	hostreq;
	unsigned char	slavereq;
	unsigned char	cmd_reserved[30];
} cdkhdr_t;

#define	MODE_DDK	0
#define	MODE_CDK	1

#define	IMD_INTR	0x0
#define	IMD_PPINTR	0x1
#define	IMD_POLL	0xff

 *	Define the memory mapping structure. This structure is pointed to by
 *	the memp field in the stlcdkhdr struct. As many as these structures
 *	as required are layed out in shared memory to define how the rest of
 *	shared memory is divided up. There will be one for each port.
typedef struct cdkmem {
	unsigned short	dtype;
	unsigned long	offset;
} cdkmem_t;

#define	TYP_UNDEFINED	0x0
#define	TYP_ASYNCTRL	0x1
#define	TYP_ASYNC	0x20
#define	TYP_PARALLEL	0x40
#define	TYP_SYNCX21	0x60


 *	Following is a set of defines and structures used to actually deal
 *	with the serial ports on the board. Firstly is the set of commands
 *	that can be applied to ports.
#define	ASYCMD		(((unsigned long) 'a') << 8)

#define	A_NULL		(ASYCMD | 0)
#define	A_FLUSH		(ASYCMD | 1)
#define	A_BREAK		(ASYCMD | 2)
#define	A_GETPORT	(ASYCMD | 3)
#define	A_SETPORT	(ASYCMD | 4)
#define	A_SETPORTF	(ASYCMD | 5)
#define	A_GETNOTIFY	(ASYCMD | 13)
#define	A_SETNOTIFY	(ASYCMD | 14)
#define	A_NOTIFY	(ASYCMD | 15)
#define	A_PORTCTRL	(ASYCMD | 16)
#define	A_GETSTATS	(ASYCMD | 17)
#define	A_RQSTATE	(ASYCMD | 18)
#define	A_FLOWSTATE	(ASYCMD | 19)
#define	A_CLEARSTATS	(ASYCMD | 20)

 *	Define those arguments used for simple commands.
#define	FLUSHRX		0x1
#define	FLUSHTX		0x2

#define	BREAKON		-1
#define	BREAKOFF	-2

 *	Define the port setting structure, and all those defines that go along
 *	with it. Basically this structure defines the characteristics of this
 *	port: baud rate, chars, parity, input/output char cooking etc.
typedef struct asyport {
	unsigned long	baudout;
	unsigned long	baudin;
	unsigned long	iflag;
	unsigned long	oflag;
	unsigned long	lflag;
	unsigned long	pflag;
	unsigned long	flow;
	unsigned long	spare1;
	unsigned short	vtime;
	unsigned short	vmin;
	unsigned short	txlo;
	unsigned short	txhi;
	unsigned short	rxlo;
	unsigned short	rxhi;
	unsigned short	rxhog;
	unsigned short	spare2;
	unsigned char	csize;
	unsigned char	stopbs;
	unsigned char	parity;
	unsigned char	stopin;
	unsigned char	startin;
	unsigned char	stopout;
	unsigned char	startout;
	unsigned char	parmark;
	unsigned char	brkmark;
	unsigned char	cc[11];
} asyport_t;

#define	PT_STOP1	0x0
#define	PT_STOP15	0x1
#define	PT_STOP2	0x2

#define	PT_NOPARITY	0x0
#define	PT_ODDPARITY	0x1
#define	PT_EVENPARITY	0x2
#define	PT_MARKPARITY	0x3
#define	PT_SPACEPARITY	0x4

#define	F_NONE		0x0
#define	F_IXON		0x1
#define	F_IXOFF		0x2
#define	F_IXANY		0x4
#define	F_IOXANY	0x8
#define	F_RTSFLOW	0x10
#define	F_CTSFLOW	0x20
#define	F_DTRFLOW	0x40
#define	F_DCDFLOW	0x80
#define	F_DSROFLOW	0x100
#define	F_DSRIFLOW	0x200

#define	FI_NORX		0x1
#define	FI_RAW		0x2
#define	FI_ISTRIP	0x4
#define	FI_UCLC		0x8
#define	FI_INLCR	0x10
#define	FI_ICRNL	0x20
#define	FI_IGNCR	0x40
#define	FI_IGNBREAK	0x80
#define	FI_DSCRDBREAK	0x100
#define	FI_1MARKBREAK	0x200
#define	FI_2MARKBREAK	0x400
#define	FI_XCHNGBREAK	0x800
#define	FI_IGNRXERRS	0x1000
#define	FI_DSCDRXERRS	0x2000
#define	FI_1MARKRXERRS	0x4000
#define	FI_2MARKRXERRS	0x8000
#define	FI_XCHNGRXERRS	0x10000
#define	FI_DSCRDNULL	0x20000

#define	FO_OLCUC	0x1
#define	FO_ONLCR	0x2
#define	FO_OOCRNL	0x4
#define	FO_ONOCR	0x8
#define	FO_ONLRET	0x10
#define	FO_ONL		0x20
#define	FO_OBS		0x40
#define	FO_OVT		0x80
#define	FO_OFF		0x100
#define	FO_OTAB1	0x200
#define	FO_OTAB2	0x400
#define	FO_OTAB3	0x800
#define	FO_OCR1		0x1000
#define	FO_OCR2		0x2000
#define	FO_OCR3		0x4000
#define	FO_OFILL	0x8000
#define	FO_ODELL	0x10000

#define	P_RTSLOCK	0x1
#define	P_CTSLOCK	0x2
#define	P_MAPRTS	0x4
#define	P_MAPCTS	0x8
#define	P_LOOPBACK	0x10
#define	P_DTRFOLLOW	0x20
#define	P_FAKEDCD	0x40

#define	P_RXIMIN	0x10000
#define	P_RXITIME	0x20000
#define	P_RXTHOLD	0x40000

 *	Define a structure to communicate serial port signal and data state
 *	information.
typedef struct asysigs {
	unsigned long	data;
	unsigned long	signal;
	unsigned long	sigvalue;
} asysigs_t;

#define	DT_TXBUSY	0x1
#define	DT_TXEMPTY	0x2
#define	DT_TXLOW	0x4
#define	DT_TXHIGH	0x8
#define	DT_TXFULL	0x10
#define	DT_TXHOG	0x20
#define	DT_TXFLOWED	0x40
#define	DT_TXBREAK	0x80

#define	DT_RXBUSY	0x100
#define	DT_RXEMPTY	0x200
#define	DT_RXLOW	0x400
#define	DT_RXHIGH	0x800
#define	DT_RXFULL	0x1000
#define	DT_RXHOG	0x2000
#define	DT_RXFLOWED	0x4000
#define	DT_RXBREAK	0x8000

#define	SG_DTR		0x1
#define	SG_DCD		0x2
#define	SG_RTS		0x4
#define	SG_CTS		0x8
#define	SG_DSR		0x10
#define	SG_RI		0x20

 *	Define the notification setting structure. This is used to tell the
 *	port what events we want to be informed about. Fields here use the
 *	same defines as for the asysigs structure above.
typedef struct asynotify {
	unsigned long	ctrl;
	unsigned long	data;
	unsigned long	signal;
	unsigned long	sigvalue;
} asynotify_t;

 *	Define the port control structure. It is used to do fine grain
 *	control operations on the port.
typedef struct {
	unsigned long	rxctrl;
	unsigned long	txctrl;
	char		rximdch;
	char		tximdch;
	char		spare1;
	char		spare2;
} asyctrl_t;

#define	CT_ENABLE	0x1
#define	CT_DISABLE	0x2
#define	CT_STOP		0x4
#define	CT_START	0x8
#define	CT_STARTFLOW	0x10
#define	CT_STOPFLOW	0x20
#define	CT_SENDCHR	0x40

 *	Define the stats structure kept for each port. This is a useful set
 *	of data collected for each port on the slave. The A_GETSTATS command
 *	is used to retrieve this data from the slave.
typedef struct asystats {
	unsigned long	opens;
	unsigned long	txchars;
	unsigned long	rxchars;
	unsigned long	txringq;
	unsigned long	rxringq;
	unsigned long	txmsgs;
	unsigned long	rxmsgs;
	unsigned long	txflushes;
	unsigned long	rxflushes;
	unsigned long	overruns;
	unsigned long	framing;
	unsigned long	parity;
	unsigned long	ringover;
	unsigned long	lost;
	unsigned long	rxstart;
	unsigned long	rxstop;
	unsigned long	txstart;
	unsigned long	txstop;
	unsigned long	dcdcnt;
	unsigned long	dtrcnt;
	unsigned long	ctscnt;
	unsigned long	rtscnt;
	unsigned long	dsrcnt;
	unsigned long	ricnt;
	unsigned long	txbreaks;
	unsigned long	rxbreaks;
	unsigned long	signals;
	unsigned long	state;
	unsigned long	hwid;
} asystats_t;


 *	All command and control communication with a device on the slave is
 *	via a control block in shared memory. Each device has its own control
 *	block, defined by the following structure. The control block allows
 *	the host to open, close and control the device on the slave.
typedef struct cdkctrl {
	unsigned char	open;
	unsigned char	close;
	unsigned long	openarg;
	unsigned long	closearg;
	unsigned long	cmd;
	unsigned long	status;
	unsigned long	args[32];
} cdkctrl_t;

 *	Each device on the slave passes data to and from the host via a ring
 *	queue in shared memory. Define a ring queue structure to hold the
 *	vital information about each ring queue. Two ring queues will be
 *	allocated for each port, one for receive data and one for transmit
 *	data.
typedef struct cdkasyrq {
	unsigned long	offset;
	unsigned short	size;
	unsigned short	head;
	unsigned short	tail;
} cdkasyrq_t;

 *	Each asynchronous port is defined in shared memory by the following
 *	structure. It contains a control block to command a device, and also
 *	the necessary data channel information as well.
typedef struct cdkasy {
	cdkctrl_t	ctrl;
	unsigned short	notify;
	asynotify_t	changed;
	unsigned short	receive;
	cdkasyrq_t	rxq;
	unsigned short	transmit;
	cdkasyrq_t	txq;
} cdkasy_t;

#pragma	pack()


 *	Define the set of ioctls used by the driver to do special things
 *	to the board. These include interrupting it, and initializing
 *	the driver after board startup and shutdown.
#include <linux/ioctl.h>

#define	STL_BINTR	_IO('s',20)
#define	STL_BSTART	_IO('s',21)
#define	STL_BSTOP	_IO('s',22)
#define	STL_BRESET	_IO('s',23)

 *	Define a set of ioctl extensions, used to get at special stuff.
#define	STL_GETPFLAG	_IO('s',80)
#define	STL_SETPFLAG	_IO('s',81)
