leds-gpio.c 8.1 KB
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
 * LEDs driver for GPIOs
 * Copyright (C) 2007 8D Technologies inc.
 * Raphael Assenat <raph@8d.com>
 * Copyright (C) 2008 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
#include <linux/err.h>
#include <linux/gpio.h>
#include <linux/gpio/consumer.h>
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/leds.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/of.h>
#include <linux/platform_device.h>
#include <linux/property.h>
#include <linux/slab.h>

struct gpio_led_data {
	struct led_classdev cdev;
	struct gpio_desc *gpiod;
	u8 can_sleep;
	u8 blinking;
	gpio_blink_set_t platform_gpio_blink_set;

static inline struct gpio_led_data *
			cdev_to_gpio_led_data(struct led_classdev *led_cdev)
	return container_of(led_cdev, struct gpio_led_data, cdev);

static void gpio_led_set(struct led_classdev *led_cdev,
	enum led_brightness value)
	struct gpio_led_data *led_dat = cdev_to_gpio_led_data(led_cdev);
	int level;

	if (value == LED_OFF)
		level = 0;
		level = 1;

	if (led_dat->blinking) {
		led_dat->platform_gpio_blink_set(led_dat->gpiod, level,
						 NULL, NULL);
		led_dat->blinking = 0;
	} else {
		if (led_dat->can_sleep)
			gpiod_set_value_cansleep(led_dat->gpiod, level);
			gpiod_set_value(led_dat->gpiod, level);

static int gpio_led_set_blocking(struct led_classdev *led_cdev,
	enum led_brightness value)
	gpio_led_set(led_cdev, value);
	return 0;

static int gpio_blink_set(struct led_classdev *led_cdev,
	unsigned long *delay_on, unsigned long *delay_off)
	struct gpio_led_data *led_dat = cdev_to_gpio_led_data(led_cdev);

	led_dat->blinking = 1;
	return led_dat->platform_gpio_blink_set(led_dat->gpiod, GPIO_LED_BLINK,
						delay_on, delay_off);

static int create_gpio_led(const struct gpio_led *template,
	struct gpio_led_data *led_dat, struct device *parent,
	struct fwnode_handle *fwnode, gpio_blink_set_t blink_set)
	struct led_init_data init_data = {};
	int ret, state;

	led_dat->cdev.default_trigger = template->default_trigger;
	led_dat->can_sleep = gpiod_cansleep(led_dat->gpiod);
	if (!led_dat->can_sleep)
		led_dat->cdev.brightness_set = gpio_led_set;
		led_dat->cdev.brightness_set_blocking = gpio_led_set_blocking;
	led_dat->blinking = 0;
	if (blink_set) {
		led_dat->platform_gpio_blink_set = blink_set;
		led_dat->cdev.blink_set = gpio_blink_set;
	if (template->default_state == LEDS_GPIO_DEFSTATE_KEEP) {
		state = gpiod_get_value_cansleep(led_dat->gpiod);
		if (state < 0)
			return state;
	} else {
		state = (template->default_state == LEDS_GPIO_DEFSTATE_ON);
	led_dat->cdev.brightness = state ? LED_FULL : LED_OFF;
	if (!template->retain_state_suspended)
		led_dat->cdev.flags |= LED_CORE_SUSPENDRESUME;
	if (template->panic_indicator)
		led_dat->cdev.flags |= LED_PANIC_INDICATOR;
	if (template->retain_state_shutdown)
		led_dat->cdev.flags |= LED_RETAIN_AT_SHUTDOWN;

	ret = gpiod_direction_output(led_dat->gpiod, state);
	if (ret < 0)
		return ret;

	if (template->name) {
		led_dat->cdev.name = template->name;
		ret = devm_led_classdev_register(parent, &led_dat->cdev);
	} else {
		init_data.fwnode = fwnode;
		ret = devm_led_classdev_register_ext(parent, &led_dat->cdev,

	return ret;

struct gpio_leds_priv {
	int num_leds;
	struct gpio_led_data leds[];

static struct gpio_leds_priv *gpio_leds_create(struct platform_device *pdev)
	struct device *dev = &pdev->dev;
	struct fwnode_handle *child;
	struct gpio_leds_priv *priv;
	int count, ret;

	count = device_get_child_node_count(dev);
	if (!count)
		return ERR_PTR(-ENODEV);

	priv = devm_kzalloc(dev, struct_size(priv, leds, count), GFP_KERNEL);
	if (!priv)
		return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);

	device_for_each_child_node(dev, child) {
		struct gpio_led_data *led_dat = &priv->leds[priv->num_leds];
		struct gpio_led led = {};
		const char *state = NULL;

		 * Acquire gpiod from DT with uninitialized label, which
		 * will be updated after LED class device is registered,
		 * Only then the final LED name is known.
		led.gpiod = devm_fwnode_get_gpiod_from_child(dev, NULL, child,
		if (IS_ERR(led.gpiod)) {
			return ERR_CAST(led.gpiod);

		led_dat->gpiod = led.gpiod;

		if (!fwnode_property_read_string(child, "default-state",
						 &state)) {
			if (!strcmp(state, "keep"))
				led.default_state = LEDS_GPIO_DEFSTATE_KEEP;
			else if (!strcmp(state, "on"))
				led.default_state = LEDS_GPIO_DEFSTATE_ON;
				led.default_state = LEDS_GPIO_DEFSTATE_OFF;

		if (fwnode_property_present(child, "retain-state-suspended"))
			led.retain_state_suspended = 1;
		if (fwnode_property_present(child, "retain-state-shutdown"))
			led.retain_state_shutdown = 1;
		if (fwnode_property_present(child, "panic-indicator"))
			led.panic_indicator = 1;

		ret = create_gpio_led(&led, led_dat, dev, child, NULL);
		if (ret < 0) {
			return ERR_PTR(ret);
		/* Set gpiod label to match the corresponding LED name. */

	return priv;

static const struct of_device_id of_gpio_leds_match[] = {
	{ .compatible = "gpio-leds", },

MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(of, of_gpio_leds_match);

static struct gpio_desc *gpio_led_get_gpiod(struct device *dev, int idx,
					    const struct gpio_led *template)
	struct gpio_desc *gpiod;
	unsigned long flags = GPIOF_OUT_INIT_LOW;
	int ret;

	 * This means the LED does not come from the device tree
	 * or ACPI, so let's try just getting it by index from the
	 * device, this will hit the board file, if any and get
	 * the GPIO from there.
	gpiod = devm_gpiod_get_index(dev, NULL, idx, GPIOD_OUT_LOW);
	if (!IS_ERR(gpiod)) {
		gpiod_set_consumer_name(gpiod, template->name);
		return gpiod;
	if (PTR_ERR(gpiod) != -ENOENT)
		return gpiod;

	 * This is the legacy code path for platform code that
	 * still uses GPIO numbers. Ultimately we would like to get
	 * rid of this block completely.

	/* skip leds that aren't available */
	if (!gpio_is_valid(template->gpio))
		return ERR_PTR(-ENOENT);

	if (template->active_low)
		flags |= GPIOF_ACTIVE_LOW;

	ret = devm_gpio_request_one(dev, template->gpio, flags,
	if (ret < 0)
		return ERR_PTR(ret);

	gpiod = gpio_to_desc(template->gpio);
	if (!gpiod)
		return ERR_PTR(-EINVAL);

	return gpiod;

static int gpio_led_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)
	struct gpio_led_platform_data *pdata = dev_get_platdata(&pdev->dev);
	struct gpio_leds_priv *priv;
	int i, ret = 0;

	if (pdata && pdata->num_leds) {
		priv = devm_kzalloc(&pdev->dev, struct_size(priv, leds, pdata->num_leds),
		if (!priv)
			return -ENOMEM;

		priv->num_leds = pdata->num_leds;
		for (i = 0; i < priv->num_leds; i++) {
			const struct gpio_led *template = &pdata->leds[i];
			struct gpio_led_data *led_dat = &priv->leds[i];

			if (template->gpiod)
				led_dat->gpiod = template->gpiod;
				led_dat->gpiod =
							   i, template);
			if (IS_ERR(led_dat->gpiod)) {
				dev_info(&pdev->dev, "Skipping unavailable LED gpio %d (%s)\n",
					 template->gpio, template->name);

			ret = create_gpio_led(template, led_dat,
					      &pdev->dev, NULL,
			if (ret < 0)
				return ret;
	} else {
		priv = gpio_leds_create(pdev);
		if (IS_ERR(priv))
			return PTR_ERR(priv);

	platform_set_drvdata(pdev, priv);

	return 0;

static void gpio_led_shutdown(struct platform_device *pdev)
	struct gpio_leds_priv *priv = platform_get_drvdata(pdev);
	int i;

	for (i = 0; i < priv->num_leds; i++) {
		struct gpio_led_data *led = &priv->leds[i];

		if (!(led->cdev.flags & LED_RETAIN_AT_SHUTDOWN))
			gpio_led_set(&led->cdev, LED_OFF);

static struct platform_driver gpio_led_driver = {
	.probe		= gpio_led_probe,
	.shutdown	= gpio_led_shutdown,
	.driver		= {
		.name	= "leds-gpio",
		.of_match_table = of_gpio_leds_match,


MODULE_AUTHOR("Raphael Assenat <raph@8d.com>, Trent Piepho <tpiepho@freescale.com>");