03 Sep, 2006

2 commits

  • During discussions with Mike Christie, I became convinced that we needed
    a larger vendor id. This patch extends the id from 32 to 64 bits.

    This applies on top of the prior patches that add SCSI transport events
    via netlink.

    Signed-off-by: James Smart
    Signed-off-by: James Bottomley

    James Smart
  • This patch formally adds support for the posting of FC events via netlink.
    It is a followup to the original RFC at:
    and the initial posting at:

    The patch has been updated to optimize the send path, per the discussions
    in the initial posting.

    Per discussions at the Storage Summit and at OLS, we are to use netlink for
    async events from transports. Also per discussions, to avoid a netlink
    protocol per transport, I've create a single NETLINK_SCSITRANSPORT protocol,
    which can then be used by all transports.

    This patch:
    - Creates new files scsi_netlink.c and scsi_netlink.h, which contains the
    single and shared definitions for the SCSI Transport. It is tied into the
    base SCSI subsystem intialization.
    Contains a single interface routine, scsi_send_transport_event(), for a
    transport to send an event (via multicast to a protocol specific group).
    - Creates a new scsi_netlink_fc.h file, which contains the FC netlink event
    - Adds 3 new routines to the fc transport:
    fc_get_event_number() - to get a FC event #
    fc_host_post_event() - to send a simple FC event (32 bits of data)
    fc_host_post_vendor_event() - to send a Vendor unique event, with
    arbitrary amounts of data.

    Note: the separation of event number allows for a LLD to send a standard
    event, followed by vendor-specific data for the event.

    Note: This patch assumes 2 prior fc transport patches have been installed:

    Sorry - next time I'll do something like making these individual
    patches of the same posting when I know they'll be posted closely

    Signed-off-by: James Smart

    Tidy up configuration not to make SCSI always select NET

    Signed-off-by: James Bottomley

    James Smart