11 Mar, 2017

1 commit

  • If the kernel is configured to be built with debug symbols, or
    has bug tables, comparing files may not work if line numbers
    change. This makes comparing object files with these options
    harder to do. Let's strip out the debug info and drop the
    __bug_table here so that we don't see false positives. There may
    be other things to drop later, and it may be architecture
    specific, but this works for me with my ARM64 build.

    Signed-off-by: Stephen Boyd
    Reviewed-by: Jason Cooper
    Signed-off-by: Masahiro Yamada

    Stephen Boyd

10 Jun, 2014

7 commits

08 Apr, 2014

1 commit

  • objdiff is useful when doing large code cleanups. For example, when
    removing checkpatch warnings and errors from new drivers in the staging

    objdiff can be used in conjunction with a git rebase to confirm that
    each commit made no changes to the resulting object code. It has the
    same return values as diff(1).

    This was written specifically to support adding the skein and threefish
    cryto drivers to the staging tree. I needed a programmatic way to
    confirm that commits changing >90% of the lines didn't inadvertently
    change the code.

    Temporary files (objdump output) are stored in


    'make mrproper' will remove this directory.

    Signed-off-by: Jason Cooper
    Signed-off-by: Michal Marek

    Jason Cooper