26 Jun, 2009

1 commit

12 Jun, 2009

2 commits

  • This is a followup patch to the one implemeting rdesc representation in debugfs
    rather than being dependent on compile-time CONFIG_HID_DEBUG setting.

    The API of the appropriate formatting functions is slightly modified -- if
    they are passed seq_file pointer, the one-shot output for 'rdesc' file mode
    is used, and therefore the message is formatted into the corresponding seq_file

    Otherwise the called function allocated a new buffer, formats the text into the
    buffer and returns the pointer to it, so that it can be queued into the ring-buffer
    of the processess blocked waiting on input on 'events' file in debugfs.

    'debug' parameter to the 'hid' module is now used solely for the prupose of inetrnal
    driver state debugging (parser, transport, etc).

    Signed-off-by: Jiri Kosina

    Jiri Kosina
  • It is a little bit inconvenient for people who have some non-standard
    HID hardware (usually violating the HID specification) to have to
    recompile kernel with CONFIG_HID_DEBUG to be able to see kernel's perspective
    of the HID report descriptor and observe the parsed events. Plus the messages
    are then mixed up inconveniently with the rest of the dmesg stuff.

    This patch implements /sys/kernel/debug/hid//rdesc file, which
    represents the kernel's view of report descriptor (both the raw report
    descriptor data and parsed contents).

    With all the device-specific debug data being available through debugfs, there
    is no need for keeping CONFIG_HID_DEBUG, as the 'debug' parameter to the
    hid module will now only output only driver-specific debugging options, which has
    absolutely minimal memory footprint, just a few error messages and one global
    flag (hid_debug).

    We use the current set of output formatting functions. The ones that need to be
    used both for one-shot rdesc seq_file and also for continuous flow of data
    (individual reports, as being sent by the device) distinguish according to the
    passed seq_file parameter, and if it is NULL, it still output to kernel ringbuffer,
    otherwise the corresponding seq_file is used for output.

    The format of the output is preserved.

    Signed-off-by: Jiri Kosina

    Jiri Kosina

05 Feb, 2007

1 commit

  • hid-debug.h contains a lot of code, and should not therefore
    be a header.

    This patch moves the code to generic hid layer as .c source, and
    introduces CONFIG_HID_DEBUG to conditionally compile it, instead
    of playing with #define DEBUG and including hid-debug.h.

    Signed-off-by: Jiri Kosina

    Jiri Kosina

22 Jan, 2007

1 commit

09 Dec, 2006

1 commit