uuu-android-smarc-mx8mm-emmc.lst 1.27 KB
uuu_version 1.1.81
# uuu scripts for imx8mm Android imx_pi9.0 eMMC
SDP: boot -f u-boot-imx8mm-smarcimx8mm_4g_uuu.imx
# This command will be run when use SPL
SDPU: delay 1000
SDPU: write -f u-boot-imx8mm-smarcimx8mm_4g_uuu.imx -offset 0x57c00
SDPU: jump

# This command will be run when use SDPV
SDPV: delay 1000
SDPV: write -f u-boot-imx8mm-smarcimx8mm_4g_uuu.imx -offset 0x57c00
SDPV: jump

# This command will be run when ROM support stream mode
SDPS: boot -f u-boot-imx8mm-smarcimx8mm_4g.imx

FB: ucmd setenv fastboot_dev mmc
FB: ucmd setenv mmcdev 0
FB: ucmd mmc dev 0
FB: flash bootloader0 u-boot-imx8mm-smarcimx8mm_4g.imx
FB[-t 600000]: flash gpt partition-table.img

# erase environment variables of uboot
FB: ucmd mmc dev 0 0
FB: ucmd mmc erase 0x2000 8

FB: ucmd mmc partconf 0 0 1 0

FB: flash boot_a boot.img
FB: flash boot_b boot.img
FB[-t 100000]: flash system_a system.img
FB[-t 100000]: flash system_b system.img
FB: flash vbmeta_a vbmeta-smarcimx8mm.img
FB: flash vbmeta_b vbmeta-smarcimx8mm.img
FB: flash vendor_a vendor.img
FB: flash vendor_b vendor.img
FB: flash dtbo_a dtbo-smarcimx8mm.img
FB: flash dtbo_b dtbo-smarcimx8mm.img

# erase userdata and misc partition
FB[-t 600000]: ERASE userdata
FB: ERASE misc
FB[-t 100000]: ERASE presistdata
FB[-t 100000]: ERASE fbmisc

FB: done