csf_spl_enc.txt 1.36 KB
    Version = 4.3
    Hash Algorithm = sha256
    Engine = CAAM
    Engine Configuration = 0
    Certificate Format = X509
    Signature Format = CMS

[Install SRK]
    File = "../crts/SRK_1_2_3_4_table.bin"
    Source index = 0

[Install CSFK]
    File = "../crts/CSF1_1_sha256_2048_65537_v3_usr_crt.pem"

[Authenticate CSF]

    Engine = CAAM
    Features = MID

[Install Key]
    Verification index = 0
    Target index = 2
    File = "../crts/IMG1_1_sha256_2048_65537_v3_usr_crt.pem"

[Authenticate Data]
    Verification index = 2
    Blocks = 0x7e0fc0 0x0 0x40 "flash.bin"

[Install Secret Key]
    # Install the blob
    Verification Index = 0
    Target Index = 0
    Key = "dek_spl.bin"
    Key Length = 128
    # Authenticate Start Address +  SPL & DDR FW image length + CSF Padding
    # 0x7E0FC0 + 0x2c400 + 0x2000
    Blob Address = 0x80F3C0

[Decrypt Data]
    # The decrypt data command below causes CST to modify the input
    # file and encrypt the specified block of data. This image file
    # is a copy of the file used for the authentication command above
    Verification Index = 0
    Mac Bytes = 16
    # Start Address = Start Address + SPL header = 0x7E0FC0 + 0x40 = 0x7E1000
    # Offset = Image offset (image_off) = 0x40
    # Decrypt size = Image length - SPL header = 0x2c400 - 0x40 = 0x2C3C0
    Blocks = 0x7E1000 0x40 0x2C3C0 "flash-spl-enc.bin"