ppmc7xx.h 11 KB
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 * ppmc7xx.h
 * ---------
 * Wind River PPMC 7xx/74xx board configuration file.
 * By Richard Danter (richard.danter@windriver.com)
 * Copyright (C) 2005 Wind River Systems

#ifndef __CONFIG_H
#define __CONFIG_H


 * User configurable settings - Modify to your preference

 * Debug
 * DEBUG			- Define this is you want extra debug info
 * GTREGREAD			- Required to build with debug
 * do_bdinfo			- Required to build with debug

#undef	DEBUG
#define	do_bdinfo(a,b,c,d)

 * CPU type
 * CONFIG_7xx			- We have a 750 or 755 CPU
 * CONFIG_74xx			- We have a 7400 CPU
 * CONFIG_ALTIVEC		- We have altivec enabled CPU (only 7400)
 * CONFIG_BUS_CLK		- System bus clock in Hz

#define	CONFIG_7xx
#undef	CONFIG_74xx
#define CONFIG_BUS_CLK			66000000

 * Monitor configuration
 * CONFIG_COMMANDS		- List of command sets to include in shell
 * The following command sets have been tested and known to work:
 * CFG_CMD_CACHE		- Cache control commands
 * CFG_CMD_MEMORY		- Memory display, change and test commands
 * CFG_CMD_FLASH		- Erase and program flash
 * CFG_CMD_ENV			- Environment commands
 * CFG_CMD_RUN			- Run commands stored in env vars
 * CFG_CMD_ELF			- Load ELF files
 * CFG_CMD_NET			- Networking/file download commands
 * CFG_CMD_PING			- ICMP Echo Request command
 * CFG_CMD_PCI			- PCI Bus scanning command

						   CFG_CMD_FLASH |	\
						   CFG_CMD_ENV |	\
						   CFG_CMD_RUN |	\
						   CFG_CMD_ELF |	\
						   CFG_CMD_NET |	\
						   CFG_CMD_PING |	\

 * Serial configuration
 * CONFIG_CONS_INDEX		- Serial console port number (COM1)
 * CONFIG_BAUDRATE			- Serial speed

#define CONFIG_BAUDRATE			9600

 * PCI config
 * CONFIG_PCI				- Enable PCI bus
 * CONFIG_PCI_PNP			- Enable Plug & Play support
 * CONFIG_PCI_SCAN_SHOW		- Enable display of devices at startup

#define	CONFIG_PCI

 * Network config
 * CONFIG_NET_MULTI			- Support for multiple network interfaces
 * CONFIG_EEPRO100			- Intel 8255x Ethernet Controller
 * CONFIG_EEPRO100_SROM_WRITE - Enable writing to network card ROM

#define	CONFIG_EEPRO100

 * Enable extra init functions
 * CONFIG_MISC_INIT_F		- Call pre-relocation init functions
 * CONFIG_MISC_INIT_R		- Call post relocation init functions


 * Boot config
 * CONFIG_BOOTCOMMAND		- Command(s) to execute to auto-boot
 * CONFIG_BOOTDELAY			- How long to wait before auto-boot (in sec)

	"bootp;" \
	"setenv bootargs root=/dev/nfs rw nfsroot=$(serverip):$(rootpath) " \
	"ip=$(ipaddr):$(serverip):$(gatewayip):$(netmask):$(hostname)::off;" \

 * Board configuration settings - You should not need to modify these

#include <cmd_confdefs.h>

 * Memory map
 * This board runs in a standard CHRP (Map-B) configuration.
 *	Type		Start		End			Size	Width	Chip Sel
 *	----------- ----------- ----------- ------- ------- --------
 *	SDRAM		0x00000000	0x04000000	64MB	64b		SDRAMCS0
 *	User LED's	0x78000000						RCS3
 *	UART		0x7C000000						RCS2
 *	Mailbox		0xFF000000						RCS1
 *	Flash		0xFFC00000	0xFFFFFFFF	4MB	64b		RCS0
 * Flash sectors are laid out as follows.
 *	Sector	Start		End			Size	Comments
 *	------- ----------- ----------- ------- -----------
 *	 0		0xFFC00000	0xFFC3FFFF	256KB
 *   1		0xFFC40000	0xFFC7FFFF	256KB
 *	 2		0xFFC80000	0xFFCBFFFF	256KB
 *	 3		0xFFCC0000	0xFFCFFFFF	256KB
 *	 4		0xFFD00000	0xFFD3FFFF	256KB
 *	 5		0xFFD40000	0xFFD7FFFF	256KB
 *	 6		0xFFD80000	0xFFDBFFFF	256KB
 *	 7		0xFFDC0000	0xFFDFFFFF	256KB
 *   8		0xFFE00000	0xFFE3FFFF	256KB
 *	 9		0xFFE40000	0xFFE7FFFF	256KB
 *  10		0xFFE80000	0xFFEBFFFF	256KB
 *  11		0xFFEC0000	0xFFEFFFFF	256KB
 *  12		0xFFF00000	0xFFF3FFFF	256KB	U-Boot code here
 *  13		0xFFF40000	0xFFF7FFFF	256KB
 *  14		0xFFF80000	0xFFFBFFFF	256KB
 *  15		0xFFFC0000	0xFFFDFFFF	128KB
 *  16		0xFFFE0000	0xFFFE7FFF	 32KB	U-Boot env vars here
 *  17		0xFFFE8000	0xFFFEFFFF	 32KB	U-Boot backup copy of env vars here
 *  18		0xFFFF0000	0xFFFFFFFF	 64KB

 * SDRAM config - see memory map details above.
 * CFG_SDRAM_BASE			- Start address of SDRAM, this _must_ be zero!
 * CFG_SDRAM_SIZE			- Total size of contiguous SDRAM bank(s)

#define CFG_SDRAM_BASE			0x00000000
#define CFG_SDRAM_SIZE			0x04000000

 * Flash config - see memory map details above.
 * CFG_FLASH_BASE			- Start address of flash memory
 * CFG_FLASH_SIZE			- Total size of contiguous flash mem
 * CFG_FLASH_ERASE_TOUT		- Erase timeout in ms
 * CFG_FLASH_WRITE_TOUT		- Write timeout in ms
 * CFG_MAX_FLASH_BANKS		- Number of banks of flash on board
 * CFG_MAX_FLASH_SECT		- Number of sectors in a bank

#define CFG_FLASH_BASE			0xFFC00000
#define CFG_FLASH_SIZE			0x00400000
#define CFG_FLASH_ERASE_TOUT	250000
#define CFG_MAX_FLASH_SECT		19

 * Monitor config - see memory map details above
 * CFG_MONITOR_BASE			- Base address of monitor code
 * CFG_MALLOC_LEN			- Size of malloc pool (128KB)

#define CFG_MALLOC_LEN			0x20000

 * Command shell settings
 * CFG_BARGSIZE			- Boot Argument buffer size
 * CFG_BOOTMAPSZ		- Size of app's mapped RAM at boot (Linux=8MB)
 * CFG_CBSIZE			- Console Buffer (input) size
 * CFG_LOAD_ADDR		- Default load address
 * CFG_LONGHELP			- Provide more detailed help
 * CFG_MAXARGS			- Number of args accepted by monitor commands
 * CFG_MEMTEST_START		- Start address of test to run on RAM
 * CFG_MEMTEST_END		- End address of RAM test
 * CFG_PBSIZE			- Print Buffer (output) size
 * CFG_PROMPT			- Prompt string

#define CFG_BARGSIZE			1024
#define CFG_BOOTMAPSZ			0x800000
#define CFG_CBSIZE			1024
#define CFG_LOAD_ADDR			0x100000
#define CFG_MAXARGS			16
#define CFG_MEMTEST_START		0x00040000
#define CFG_MEMTEST_END			0x00040100
#define CFG_PBSIZE			1024
#define CFG_PROMPT			"=> "

 * Environment config - see memory map details above
 * CFG_ENV_IS_IN_FLASH		- The env variables are stored in flash
 * CFG_ENV_ADDR			- Address of the sector containing env vars
 * CFG_ENV_SIZE			- Ammount of RAM for env vars (used to save RAM, 4KB) 
 * CFG_ENV_SECT_SIZE		- Size of sector containing env vars (32KB)

#define CFG_ENV_IS_IN_FLASH		1
#define CFG_ENV_ADDR			0xFFFE0000
#define CFG_ENV_SIZE			0x1000
#define CFG_ENV_SIZE_REDUND		0x1000
#define CFG_ENV_SECT_SIZE		0x8000

 * Initial RAM config
 * Since the main system RAM is initialised very early, we place the INIT_RAM
 * in the main system RAM just above the exception vectors. The contents are
 * copied to top of RAM by the init code.
 * CFG_INIT_RAM_ADDR		- Address of Init RAM, above exception vect
 * CFG_INIT_RAM_END			- Size of Init RAM
 * CFG_GBL_DATA_SIZE		- Ammount of RAM to reserve for global data
 * CFG_GBL_DATA_OFFSET		- Start of global data, top of stack

#define CFG_INIT_RAM_ADDR		(CFG_SDRAM_BASE + 0x4000)
#define CFG_INIT_RAM_END		0x4000
#define CFG_GBL_DATA_SIZE		128

 * Initial BAT config
 * BAT0	- System SDRAM
 * BAT1 - LED's and Serial Port
 * BAT2 - PCI Memory
 * BAT3 - PCI I/O including Flash Memory


#define CFG_IBAT1L (0x70000000 | BATL_PP_RW | BATL_CACHEINHIBIT)
#define CFG_IBAT1U (0x70000000 | BATU_BL_256M | BATU_VS | BATU_VP)
#define CFG_DBAT1U (0x70000000 | BATU_BL_256M | BATU_VS | BATU_VP)

#define CFG_IBAT2L (0x80000000 | BATL_PP_RW | BATL_CACHEINHIBIT)
#define CFG_IBAT2U (0x80000000 | BATU_BL_256M | BATU_VS | BATU_VP)
#define CFG_DBAT2U (0x80000000 | BATU_BL_256M | BATU_VS | BATU_VP)

#define CFG_IBAT3U (0xF0000000 | BATU_BL_256M | BATU_VS | BATU_VP)
#define CFG_DBAT3U (0xF0000000 | BATU_BL_256M | BATU_VS | BATU_VP)

 * Cache config
 * CFG_CACHELINE_SIZE		- Size of a cache line (CPU specific)
 * CFG_L2					- L2 cache enabled if defined
 * L2_INIT					- L2 cache init flags
 * L2_ENABLE				- L2 cache enable flags

#undef	CFG_L2
#define L2_INIT					0
#define L2_ENABLE				0

 * Clocks config
 * CFG_BUS_HZ				- Bus clock frequency in Hz
 * CFG_BUS_CLK				- As above (?)
 * CFG_HZ					- Decrementer freq in Hz

#define CFG_HZ					1000

 * Serial port config
 * CFG_BAUDRATE_TABLE		- List of valid baud rates
 * CFG_NS16550				- Include the NS16550 driver
 * CFG_NS16550_SERIAL		- Include the serial (wrapper) driver
 * CFG_NS16550_CLK			- Frequency of reference clock
 * CFG_NS16550_REG_SIZE		- 64-bit accesses to 8-bit port
 * CFG_NS16550_COM1			- Base address of 1st serial port

#define CFG_BAUDRATE_TABLE		{ 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200 }
#define CFG_NS16550
#define CFG_NS16550_SERIAL
#define CFG_NS16550_CLK			3686400
#define CFG_NS16550_REG_SIZE	-8
#define CFG_NS16550_COM1		0x7C000000

 * PCI Config - Address Map B (CHRP)

#define CFG_PCI_MEMORY_BUS      0x00000000
#define CFG_PCI_MEMORY_PHYS     0x00000000
#define CFG_PCI_MEMORY_SIZE     0x40000000
#define CFG_PCI_MEM_BUS         0x80000000
#define CFG_PCI_MEM_PHYS        0x80000000
#define CFG_PCI_MEM_SIZE        0x7D000000
#define CFG_ISA_MEM_BUS         0x00000000
#define CFG_ISA_MEM_PHYS        0xFD000000
#define CFG_ISA_MEM_SIZE        0x01000000
#define CFG_PCI_IO_BUS          0x00800000
#define CFG_PCI_IO_PHYS         0xFE800000
#define CFG_PCI_IO_SIZE         0x00400000
#define CFG_ISA_IO_BUS          0x00000000
#define CFG_ISA_IO_PHYS         0xFE000000
#define CFG_ISA_IO_SIZE         0x00800000
#define CFG_ISA_IO              CFG_ISA_IO_PHYS

 * Extra init functions
 * CFG_BOARD_ASM_INIT		- Call assembly init code


 * Boot flags
 * BOOTFLAG_COLD			- Indicates a power-on boot
 * BOOTFLAG_WARM			- Indicates a software reset
#define BOOTFLAG_COLD			0x01
#define BOOTFLAG_WARM			0x02

#endif /* __CONFIG_H */