27 Dec, 2021

1 commit

12 Nov, 2019

1 commit

  • With recent update in u-boot gitattributes all files are treated as regular
    text files. This creates problems with special files and repo always
    shows uncommitted files like below.

    Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
    Changes not staged for commit:
    (use "git add ..." to update what will be committed)
    (use "git checkout -- ..." to discard changes in working directory)

    modified: tools/logos/compulab.bmp
    modified: tools/logos/denx-comp.bmp
    modified: tools/logos/toradex.bmp

    To fix above problem special files bmp/ttf files are treated as binary
    files in the gitattributes.

    Signed-off-by: Vignesh Rajendran
    Signed-off-by: Veeraiyan Chidambaram

    Vignesh Rajendran

29 Oct, 2019

1 commit

  • When building U-Boot host tools for Windows from Microsoft Azure
    Pipelines, we see tons of weird warnings and errors emitted from
    every Kconfig files:

    Kconfig:6:warning: ignoring unsupported character ''
    Kconfig:6:warning: ignoring unsupported character ''
    Kconfig:8:warning: ignoring unsupported character ''
    Kconfig:9:warning: ignoring unsupported character ''
    Kconfig:10:warning: ignoring unsupported character ''
    Kconfig:10:warning: ignoring unsupported character ''
    Kconfig:13:warning: ignoring unsupported character ''
    arch/Kconfig:1:warning: ignoring unsupported character ''
    arch/Kconfig:2:warning: ignoring unsupported character ''
    arch/Kconfig:2:warning: ignoring unsupported character ''
    arch/Kconfig:4:warning: ignoring unsupported character ''

    After several rounds of experiments, it turns out this is caused
    by line endings. Historically, Linux and macOS used linefeed (LF)
    characters while Windows used a carriage return plus a linefeed
    (CRLF). When Azure Pipelines checks out the U-Boot repo, Git tries
    to compensate for the difference by automatically making lines end
    in CRLF in the working directory on Windows, which confuses the
    Kconfig file parsing logic.

    Fortunately Git provides a way for repos to tell Git not to do such
    automatical line endings conversion via .gitattributes file below:

    * text eol=lf

    Signed-off-by: Bin Meng

    Bin Meng